Reconstruction of the acetabular labrum with fibular longus allograft. Clinical case report and literature review.

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C. Navarrete Sarasty
P. Terán Vela
C. Peñaherrera Carrillo
J. Alarcón Serrano


Femoroacetabular impingement is caused by morphological abnormalities at the level of the acetabulum, femur, or mixed. It is the cause of 38% of coxalgia, with an incidence of 54.4 cases per 100.000 inhabitants per year and a higher prevalence in males. They are also associated with chondrolabral lesions due to altered joint mechanics. The labrum fulfills important biomechanical functions, so its preservation is important. The treatment of choice is hip arthroscopy with the aim of performing meticulous correction of bone morphology, restoration of labral function and joint capsular preservation. In the case of complex lesions of the acetabular labrum, labral reconstruction is indicated, this can be circumferential or segmental, either with autograft or allograft. The world bibliography reports adequate clinical and functional results in the short, medium and long term. For this reason, a case of labral reconstruction with cadaveric allograft in a male patient with a complex right labral lesion is described below, with results consistent with those reported. 

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How to Cite
Navarrete Sarasty, C., Terán Vela, P., Peñaherrera Carrillo, C., & Alarcón Serrano, J. (2023). Reconstruction of the acetabular labrum with fibular longus allograft. Clinical case report and literature review. Revista Ecuatoriana De Ortopedia Y Traumatologia, 12(Fascículo 2), 12-18. Retrieved from
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Author Biographies

C. Navarrete Sarasty, Hospital Metropolitano de Quito. Centro de Especialidades Ortopédicas CEO

Especialista en Ortopedia y Traumatología. Especialista en cirugía artroscópica y preservación de cadera y rodilla. Médico tratante Hospital Metropolitano de Quito. Centro de Especialidades Ortopédicas CEO. Quito- Ecuador

P. Terán Vela, Hospital Metropolitano de Quito. Centro de Especialidades Ortopédicas CEO

Especialista en Ortopedia y Traumatología Deportiva. Especialista en ecografía músculo- esquelético e intervencionismo ecográfico. Médico tratante Hospital Metropolitano de Quito. Centro de Especialidades Ortopédicas CEO. Quito- Ecuador

C. Peñaherrera Carrillo, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador

Residente de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador. Hospital Metropolitano. Quito- Ecuador

J. Alarcón Serrano, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador

Residente de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador. Hospital Metropolitano. Quito- Ecuador