Luxación Subtalar

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A. Pérez Juca
G. Cadena Sánchez
R. Carrasco Calle
M. Vaca Barahona
L. Hurtado Vintimilla


The subtalar joint participates in the transmission of rearfoot loads and adapts to different ground surfeces, performing many types of movements. Subtalar dislocations are rare among the injuries described. They can be caused by rotational and shear forces, and usually occur in the context of high- energy injury like traffic accidents, falls or sports activities. The descriptive classification adopted by Malgaigne and Henke divided the injuries into: anterior, medial, lateral and posterior, being the medial ones the most frequent. In addition, those injuries can be associated with other types of bone injuries, such fractures of the tarsal bones. This article presents a clinical case of a female patient with left ankle trauma with a mechanism of injury in supination- external rotation, after a fall from a meter high. Her physical examination, as well as the complementary tests performed, showed a loss of total left subtalar joint congruence. We decided to start a conservative management with immobilization. It is important to take a detailed clinical history and rely on complementary imaging tests to establish an accurate diagnosis and determine the appropriate initial and long-term management for the type of subtalar dislocation presented in each patient. Likewise, it is important to know the characteristics of the dislocation in order to choose between conservative or surgical management depending on the case.  

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How to Cite
Pérez Juca, A., Cadena Sánchez, G., Carrasco Calle, R., Vaca Barahona, M., & Hurtado Vintimilla, L. (2023). Luxación Subtalar. Revista Ecuatoriana De Ortopedia Y Traumatologia, 12(Fascículo 2), 19-22. Retrieved from
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Author Biographies

A. Pérez Juca, Hospital Enrique Garcés. Quito, Ecuador

Médico tratante de Traumatología y Ortopedia. Hospital Enrique Garcés. Quito- Ecuador

G. Cadena Sánchez, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Médico postgradista de Traumatología y Ortopedia. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Quito- Ecuador

R. Carrasco Calle, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Médico postgradista de Traumatología y Ortopedia. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Quito- Ecuador

M. Vaca Barahona, Hospital Enrique Garcés. Quito, Ecuador

Médico Residente Asistencial. Hospital Enrique Garcés. Quito- Ecuador

L. Hurtado Vintimilla, Hospital General Ambato

Médico General. Hospital General de Ambato. Ambato- Ecuador

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