Frecuencia de genu valgo artrósico severo en pacientes sometidos a artroplastia total primaria de rodilla

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S. Cañizares Cárdenas
E. Narváez López
S. Cañizares Quisiguiña


Gonarthrosis is a frequent pathology, especially in the elderly female. The usual deformity is a genu varus, its resolution is generally carried out with a primary prosthesis; the valgus deformity is less frequent, especially extreme valgus. At the Eugenio Espejo Specialty Hospital in Quito-Ecuador, from September 1 to October 27, 2022, 28 prosthetic knee surgeries were performed, one of them was placed on a patient with severe genu valgum of 28 degrees. It is concluded that the presence of severe genu valgum is less frequent in our environment. Severe genu valgum requires a prudent surgical approach and can be resolved with primary prostheses.

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How to Cite
Cañizares Cárdenas, S., Narváez López, E., & Cañizares Quisiguiña, S. (2022). Frecuencia de genu valgo artrósico severo en pacientes sometidos a artroplastia total primaria de rodilla. Revista Ecuatoriana De Ortopedia Y Traumatologia, 11(Fascículo 3), 47-51. Retrieved from
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Author Biographies

S. Cañizares Cárdenas, Hospital de Especialidades Eugenio Espejo

Médico Especialista de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Grupo Rodilla Hospital de Especialidades Eugenio Espejo

E. Narváez López, Hospital de Especialidades Eugenio Espejo

Médico Postgradista Hospital de Especialidades Eugenio Espejo

S. Cañizares Quisiguiña

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