Manejo del defecto óseo cortical de la diáfisis femoral debido a osteomielitis crónica con el uso de clavo endomedular impregnado de antibiótico e injerto óseo autólogo

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J. Peña Toledo
E. Barros Prieto
S. Melo Durán
A. Morales Tipán


Reconstruction of bone defects resulting from extensive debridement of long bone osteomyelitis is challenging. The most common etiology of osteomyelitis results from an open fracture, less frequently from contiguity or hematogenous spread. Recurrence of the disease can occur, even after apparently successful treatment, impacting the patient's quality of life and being a financial burden for health systems.
Treatment seeks to resolve the infection and restore function. Reconstruction treatments involve various techniques such as vascularized bone grafting, intramedullary nails, use of techniques such as induced membrane (Masquelet) and the distraction osteogenesis method (Ilizarov). Intramedullary nails allow stable fixation, if they are impregnated with antibiotics, they facilitate infection control; the bone defect can be treated with bone substitutes or autologous bone graft.

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How to Cite
Peña Toledo, J., Barros Prieto , E., Melo Durán, S., & Morales Tipán, A. (2022). Manejo del defecto óseo cortical de la diáfisis femoral debido a osteomielitis crónica con el uso de clavo endomedular impregnado de antibiótico e injerto óseo autólogo. Revista Ecuatoriana De Ortopedia Y Traumatologia, 11(Fascículo 3), 42-46. Retrieved from
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Author Biographies

J. Peña Toledo, Hospital Vozandes Quito. Quito, Ecuador

Médico Especialista en Traumatología y Ortopedia. Hospital Vozandes Quito. 

E. Barros Prieto , Hospital Vozandes Quito. Quito, Ecuador

Médico Especialista Ortopedia y Traumatología. Hospital Vozandes Quito.

S. Melo Durán, Hospital Vozandes Quito. Quito, Ecuador

Médico Especialista Ortopedia y Traumatología. Cirujano de Apoyo. Hospital Vozandes Quito. 

A. Morales Tipán, Universidad de las Américas

Médico Residente de Postgrado de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Universidad de las Américas 

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